I don’t mind telling you that the trip north was my dark night of the soul. Firth had been an echo, as convincing an imitation of a human being as I’d ever seen, and now my only companion—if you could … Continue reading
KH: Many of the men in this story are not without their troubles–a shiftless brother, a dangerous love interest, and of course, the quiet center of the action, a once-great scholar stricken down by disease. As a man writing from … Continue reading
I’d never used a signal gun, never thought about them, though there’s a whole paragraph about alternate uses for one in the pilot’s handbook. Now that Firth was pointing one at me, suddenly it was the most fascinating thing on … Continue reading
“Only two? obstacles,” I said. “I hope a meteor shower counts as one of them.” Firth was more intense than ever. “She’s more than a hundred kilometers beyond our authorized distance.” I laughed. “Are you kidding? That’s not an obstacle, … Continue reading
Hear Norman’s Downeast Ledge conversation with Larry Meiller. Larry not only read the book, but had some great insights into it. Click here to hear the conversation: http://www.wpr.org/shows/downeast-ledge … Continue reading
A scream and a thundering thud had me counting my teeth, but I put on a cheerful face. “See? Our luck’s starting to turn already. And only another 45 kilometers–” Serena broke in, suddenly much clearer. “…down their spears and watered … Continue reading
Join Norman on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Ideas Network on Tuesday, November 26, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. when he and Larry discuss Downeast Ledge and the mysterious process of writing during the Larry Meillor Show. http://www.wpr.org/listen-live
“Only Fifty More Kilometers” It was as if I had awakened from a dream. Suddenly we were deep in the quadrant with rocks coming down all around us and we were still alive. I couldn’t tell how my cohort was … Continue reading
The Appeal The message was pretty scratchy, but out of the scramble came a woman’s voice saying, “When the stars threw down their spears.” “That’s pretty weird,” I told Firth. “And not much to go on.” He was unmoved. “It’s … Continue reading
As soon as I finished reading the seance scene from MIDNIGHT CATCH at Mystery to Me last Wednesday night, the video screen beside me started doing weird things and then spoke! Bookshop owner Joanne Berg had never head it say … Continue reading