A scream and a thundering thud had me counting my teeth, but I put on a cheerful face. “See? Our luck’s starting to turn already. And only another 45 kilometers–” Serena broke in, suddenly much clearer. “…down their spears and watered … Continue reading
Join Norman on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Ideas Network on Tuesday, November 26, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. when he and Larry discuss Downeast Ledge and the mysterious process of writing during the Larry Meillor Show. http://www.wpr.org/listen-live
“Only Fifty More Kilometers” It was as if I had awakened from a dream. Suddenly we were deep in the quadrant with rocks coming down all around us and we were still alive. I couldn’t tell how my cohort was … Continue reading
The Appeal The message was pretty scratchy, but out of the scramble came a woman’s voice saying, “When the stars threw down their spears.” “That’s pretty weird,” I told Firth. “And not much to go on.” He was unmoved. “It’s … Continue reading
As soon as I finished reading the seance scene from MIDNIGHT CATCH at Mystery to Me last Wednesday night, the video screen beside me started doing weird things and then spoke! Bookshop owner Joanne Berg had never head it say … Continue reading
A thousand years after it was written, BEOWULF is still making news. It turns out that many translations of the Old English masterpiece may have been getting it wrong from the very first word. But the Dick Ringler version we … Continue reading
KH: …the sailing… oh the sailing. One character calls it “nothing but a lot of physics and a dash of determination.” Having never sailed myself, I’m with the narrator, Amber, who describes “gut-grabbing fear” at sea. Where do you fall … Continue reading

The official launch of DOWNEAST LEDGE will take place at A Room of One’s Own, 315 West Gorham Street in Madison, on Friday, December 6, at 6 pm. Norman will introduce Amber by reading Chapter 1, in which she tells … Continue reading
“Enter Commander Abel Firth” Enter Commander Abel Firth. I’d never met the guy, never heard of him. But he had security badges like you wouldn’t believe. He had an Omega Orange. And he was all business. He said: “You’ve heard … Continue reading
KH: I notice in the book the poorer areas are downtrodden, but the rich summer folk are taking a decent run at poor too. Which “side of the river” do you feel the most affection and affinity for, both in … Continue reading