The Green Hornet “Lightning Hits a Shakedown” 8/10/1939
The Magnificent Montague “Agnes Joins a Cult” 8/11/1951
Dr. Kildare “Buffalo Barnie McClure” 8/10/1950
Nightbeat “Gunner’s Last Fight” 8/14/1950
Rocky Jordan “City of Baksheesh” 8/13/1950
CBS Radio Workshop “The Heart of the Man” 8/4/1957

The Green Hornet “Lightning Hits a Shakedown” 8/10/1939

The Magnificent Montague “Agnes Joins a Cult” 8/11/1951

Dr. Kildare “Buffalo Barnie McClure” 8/10/1950

Nightbeat “Gunner’s Last Fight” 8/14/1950

Rocky Jordan “City of Baksheesh” 8/13/1950

CBS Radio Workshop “The Heart of the Man” 8/4/1957