Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of August 27, 2022

Gunsmoke “Shakespeare” August 23, 1952
The Life of Riley “Riley’s Night Job” August 27, 1948
The Adventures of the Falcon “The Adventure of the Beautiful Bait ” August 22, 1951
Somebody Knows “The Black Dahlia” August 24, 1950
Mystery in the Air “Beyond Good and Evil” August 28, 1947
X Minus One “Volpla” August 29, 1957 + The Bickersons “The Mink Coat”

When is an actor more than just an actor?
Gunsmoke “Shakespeare” August 23, 1952
The family goes all out to help Riley get through the night job–but should they?

The Life of Riley “Riley’s Night Job” August 27, 1948

There’s another falcon who’s about to walk into a crime….
The Adventures of the Falcon “The Adventure of the Beautiful Bait ” August 22, 1951
What happened to the victim called the Black Dahlia? Somebody Knows.

Somebody Knows “The Black Dahlia” August 24, 1950

This week, Peter Lorre is a man of the cloth who goes beyond good and evil.

Mystery in the Air “Beyond Good and Evil” August 28, 1947

What are the Volpla and will the practical joke boomerang?

X Minus One “Volpla” August 29, 1957 + The Bickersons “The Mink Coat”

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