Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of February 27, 2021

2/27/2021Frontier GentlemanKendall’s Last Stand2/23/1958
2/27/2021Fibber McGee and MollyMissing Fountain Pen2/26/1946
2/27/2021Mercury TheaterThe Count of Monte Cristo8/29/1938
2/27/2021Pat Novak for HireMarcia Halpern2/27/1949
2/27/2021The Haunting HourThe Mystey of the Southern Star1945
John Dehner as The Frontier Gentleeman
Frontier Gentleman “Kendall’s Last Stand” Feburary 23, 1958
Fibber McGee, Molly, and the Catastrophic Closet
Fibber McGee and Molly “The Mikssing Fountain Pen” February 26,1946
Orson Welles stars in the Mercury Theater production of “The Count of Monte Cristo”
Mercury Theater “The Count of Monte Cristo,” Part1 August 29, 1938
Mercury Theater “The Count of Monte Cristo,” Part 2 August 29, 1938
Add fog and you have the San Francisco of Pat Novak…for Hire
Pat Novak…for Hire “Marcia Halpern” February 27, 1949
The Haunting Hour…where are the ghosts?
The Haunting Hour “The Mystery of the Southern Star” 1945

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