Genearl James Stewart, 1968, star of radio’s The Six Shooter in 1954.The Six Shooter “A friend in need” January 3, 1954 George Burns and Gracie Allen. Will George’s New Year’s Resolution pertain to caninines? Burns and Allen January 3, 1946 Information Please guest this week is author Corneila Otis Skinner Portrait by Gladys Rockmore DavisAlice Faye, Phil Harris, and daugthters in 1948. Will Phil’s New Year’s Resolutions Hold?The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show 1/4/54Sydney Greenstreet stars as America’s favorite armchair detective in “The Case of the Deadly Sell-Out,” Nero WolfeA Typical American ’50s family has to chooser between two planets in Ray Bradbury’s story “The Rocket” from NBC Short Story. Curiosity‘s self-portrait at Rocknest, NASA 2012NBC Short Story
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