Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of September 3, 2022

Frontier Gentleman “The Last of Belle Siddons” September 7, 1958
Bright Star “The Oil Swindle” 1952
Night Beat “Ellen” September 4, 1952
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes “The Limping Ghost” September 3, 1945
Crime Classics “The Torment of Henrietta Robinson” August 4, 1953
Nightfall “The Willoughby Obsession” September 5, 1980
Will the real Belle Siddons walk into Kendall’s life?
Frontier Gentleman “The Last of Belle Siddons” September 7, 1958
Is it a scam and if so, will George fall for it?
Bright Star “The Oil Swindle” 1952
Randy Stone doesn’t usually pack heat, but maybe tonight he should.
Night Beat “Ellen” September 4, 1952
Tonight Holmes gets a glimpse of the Limping Ghost!
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes “The Limping Ghost” September 3, 1945
Dolls can be creepy–and their owners even creepier!
Crime Classics “The Torment of Henrietta Robinson” August 4, 1953
When does obsession become posession?
Nightfall “The Willoughby Obsession” September 5, 1980

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