Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of June 15, 2024

The Magnificent Montague “Father of the Year” 5/12/1951Yours Truly Johnny Dollar “The Indestructible Mike Matter, 1-2” 6/4-5/1956Yours Truly Johnny Dollar “The Indestructible Mike Matter, 3-4” 6/6-7/1956Yours Truly Johnny Dollar “The Indestructible Mike Matter” 5 6/8/1956The Unexpected “The Horoscope” 6/13/1948The Lives … Continue reading

Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of March 23, 2024

Frontier Gentleman “The Actress” 3/23/1958Burns and Allen “Making George Sick” 3/23/1943Johnny Dollar “The Lemar Matter 1-2” 3/26/1956Johnny Dollar “The Lemar Matter 3-4” 3/28/1956Johnny Dollar “The Lemar Matter 5” 3/30/1956Strange Dr. Weird “The Man Who Knew Everything” 3/20/1945Inner Sanctum “Appointment with … Continue reading

Skywave Audio Theater for the Week of September 2, 2023

Gunsmoke “The Brothers” 9/6/1952Burns and Allen “George is on Trial” 9/2/1940Columbia Workshop “The S.S. San Pedro” 9/5/1937Yours Truly Johnny Dollar “The Doninger Doninger Matter” 9/2/1962Suspense “The Singing Walls” 9/2/1943Dimension X “The Roads Must Roll” 9/1/1950 When the Thompson brothers come … Continue reading